Check out what we did:
Celebrating a successful weekend...
Glad to be here... couse look what I did!
Jump on the beach
The Dore family are an adventurous bunch and the three brothers do skydiving all around the world. As this is something I’ve always wanted to try I decided to do my first tandem-jump on one of the best skydiving spots in the world, on the beach. Izzy, Jamie and Michelle’s brother’s fiancĂ©e was my tandem instructor and game me the rush of my life jumping off a small plane at 14,000 ft. The freefall was crazy and she let me fly the parachute after opening it. It was a beautiful clear day, you could see the Reefs and Dunk Island. We were the last to jump off the plane (which was filled up with 5 jumpers) and the adrenalin rush was unbelievable. There was a moment when we were freefalling when I thought this was it, the end, but I loved it. Hooked on jumping for sure! Landing on the beach was incredible and Henkka, my personal paparazzi followed our progress from below. You really get a sense of time freefalling. Sensory overloaded minutes that came back to me days and days later. You just remember the feeling, get pumped up and smile. Great experience, I recommend it to everybody, talk about stress-relief. Nothing for the queasy though, as even I felt like I left my stomach behind in the plane when freefalling. Great fun!
The line-up for the day...
I get a quick lesson from Izzy...
Castaway beach...where I land...hopefully...
The shute is open...
Dunk Island in the distance...
Coming down...a perfect landing...
Great to be back..
Adrenaline rush...get me back up there...
The beautiful sunset...the last in Australia!
Guess what! We sold the car! At last! An army couple in Townsville took the diseased Jeep off our hands and made us very happy with a fair deal. We immediately rebooked our tickets back home and headed off to Sydney. After nine hours we landed in Bangkok and now we are in Thailand. Yes, Thailand! We are in Bangkok for the weekend and then off to Phuket, where Henkka’s friend Tiina lives, to do some serious diving and R&R. We are planning to hang around in Thailand until end of April and then we will be coming home to Helsinki in time for Vappu!
Our Aussie adventure was great, a trip of a lifetime even if we decided to only stay for two months. We managed to see and do most of what we wanted to in Australia but decided not to work there, instead treating it as a holiday and coming home to family and friends. Australia is a wonderful country with great people and weather, but at the moment we felt we still had unfinished business at home. So, Thailand and then we are coming home! So we will see a lot of you guys soon enough!